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BITCOIN: An American Crime Story – Chapter 3 – “The Squeeze & Flee”

Trump Boaters South Jersey parade through Wildwood New Jersey

United States of America – The squeeze starts. A month before the pandemic lands… Lumber commodities become higher risk and sources scrambled just as a rapid rise of the novel Coronavirus. People are told to enter lockdown and isolation.

As the events circle the globe America battens down the hatches as well under then President Trump. Cyber attacks begin to surface and outright attacks on journalists rise at extreme levels. Scouring every news outlet or administrative database for any information that can be useful intelligence, fenced to their allies or used for future sleeper triggers.

The interviewee witness states that news outlets and think stations received most first observed attacks, followed by critical infrastructure and energy including wind turbines and other offshore assets.

They were able to capture one malware used on news sites and communications infrastructure and blogs called “strippers” but carry over even after removed.

The witness researched this attack method and victims which tracks back nearly 20 years since Google was first made aware of the situation. They found that it was most likely the result of extortion refusal where a New York Diamond dealers profitable website was taken off line and rankings stripped to google hell.

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We tracked this individual to the present time of the research which was during the pandemic. He was tracked with the outflow dissents to Florida at that time and located in Miami operating a Venture Capital Firm with bitcoin and crypto ties. The former diamond dealer, with Iranian links, was also linked to a hacker that works with him that handled one of the attacks and extortion attempt spanning October 2020-22.

The witness said that this event and links were also reported, but possibly it may have been intercepted by Trump and now split Musk rogue operatives as they are known to intercept cyber events to divert reward or bounty funds or obstruct justice. That week a couple was arrested in New York with one of the largest bitcoin laundering and theft rings on record.

Supply Chain Madnesstrum

We don’t have to tell you much about this – just read the site. We are still currently tracking some corrupted Union forces creating problems we first saw in UK then out of and currently Toronto area which has bled to Amtrak issues and other new corruption probes. Rail and Machine workers should get Hazard Pay and negotiations off screen as a matter of national security.

The squeeze continues in Chapter 4-10+. Stay tuned

**This is short documentary and is subject to possible open criminal, judiciary and regulatory investigations. Some names, details, events within the same time frame or exact locations maybe withheld pending investigative approval.





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