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Construction Enters A New Era

Courtesty of BidBox LLC

Ushering In A New Era For The American Construction Industry

Construction Jobs

Job reports just released this morning show excellent progress for the American worker and other industries as well. From this time last year initial claims have decreased by just about a million down to 719,000 for week ending March 26, 2020. What seems to have been a uncertain 2021 economic outlook with extreme volatility has turned towards a more predictable outlook now. This extremely active outlook is looking great for project pipelines, jobs, suppliers and the financial backing is stepping up by wall street, investors and the government. One thing is looking certain… Extreme material price volatility will not be going away.

A New Era For The Construction Industry

Material & Job demand for these projects will be a test of a new era put on the American construction industry. Construction Analysts see strong shortfalls on construction professionals and workers currently while demand is growing by the day. Millions of Estimators, Technicians, Specialty Disciplined Professionals as well as general labor will be needed to accomplish these goal set upon us. The construction industry will have to work overtime to source, train and or certify these professionals with almost military precision over the next coming years to successfully accomplish such plans and the needs of the growing United States.

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Details have been released for apprenticeship grants recently for mostly union companies but lack the correct focus and understanding of what needs to be accomplished. As more details emerge on the Jobs & Infrastructure Acts, (additional prior background here) its filling in the important voids of what is missing from these plans besides just contracts.

Training and new sourcing institutes and associations such as the up and coming North American Institute Of Construction Professionals or NAICP whom focus is on modern technology driven data and execution procedures that will be needed. These new plans will most likely require the government to look into grants for the much needed programs and objectives being overlooked for just general labor. Companies will now need more qualified supervision, administration, estimating and cost control roles. Unions currently do not focus and include these employees and people as they focus more only on labor membership with strict rules and law.

The new emerging era for construction gig workers, companies and professionals wait upon updated laws , tax code and what the Biden administration seems to be rescinding from the Trump administration. Set to be changed will be explained and ironed out shortly. This will provide further direction on what emerging professional associations and institutes like the NAICP can do to work as a its own emerging member protection, training and annuity investment force for these important and vital construction professionals. The NAICP for the last year has been working closely with BidBox Construction Social OS to develop systems to verify and proprietary classify/categorize these construction industry professionals, companies along with its implementation into CSI standard construction specifications, and DOT specifications on projects such as municipal, local government, affordable housing as well as private sector projects.

Bylt News itself, although the app version, has been included in the Bidbox beta testing through its “Bylt” app module within the Bidbox dashboard. You can read more about Bidbox here in a press release . One if its most unique and interesting features is that they are an open source logic company. Although not all aspects of the system can be open source for security it strives on open data and allows its users and developers to make their own specific proprietary apps.

As progress continues we will update with important news but its safe to say it will be an exciting and stressful times for the construction industry.


Source The Bidbox Construction Social OS The North American Institute Of Construction Professionals Construction Dive
Via The Bylt Team




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