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LEGAL NOTICE Sealed proposals will be received by the

LEGAL NOTICE Sealed proposals will be received by the Athens Township Supervisors of Bradford Co., PA at their July 28, 2021 meeting at the Municipal Building, 45 Herrick Ave., Athens Twp, PA until 3:00 PM on July 28, 2021 for the following: 1500 tons (more or less) of DSA 1000 tons (more or less) of 3″ minus 1000 tons (more or less) of R-6 200 tons (more or less) of R-4 Bids are requested on the above for both pick-up and delivered to job site(s) as needed at a time agreeable to both parties. Proposals must be upon forms furnished by the undersigned. The bid must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 10% of the bid, made payable to Athens Township. A performance bond for 50% of the contract will be required from the winning bidder within 20 days of the bid award. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. ATHENS TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS Michelle Rude, Administrative Secretary 10,15jul,c




BYLT & The Portfolio Of Partners Is Happy To Say It Has Been Acquired For Expansion. We Will Be On Break While The Move And Upgrade To New Infrastructure & Portfolio Products And Companies That Have Been Completed Over The Years Begin To Roll Out While Regulatory Approvals Finalize .

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