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Sand & Salt Costs Increase Across America. Next Up To Cause Budget & Supply Issues

Winter service truck spreading salt and sand on the road surface to prevent icing

United States Of America – Sand & Salt is next on the agenda to stretch the budgets of Department of Transportation Agencies, Towns, Contractors, Housing Co-Ops, And Developers. As the US’s first wave of ”winter conditions” contracts start to roll in we are seeing what we expected. End users of sand and salt should expect to see increases of 20% or more per ton of sand and salt delivered compared to that of last seasons contracts.

A flurry of bid releases both private and public began rolling out in August for snow equipment, operators, treatments and winter condition contracts. Purchasers and project managers need to exercise caution this season as the aggregate industries are coming out of a record production season. Ports are backlogged and are the gateway to the countries main supply of sodium chloride (salt) to treat roads.

Alternate products available include liquid treatments from domestic renewable based farm stock such as corn. End users should prepare in advance for supply disruptions and should work to secure adequate inventory storage for an over active winter.

Procurement offices that normally receive bids from a slew of major players like Morten Salt and The International Salt Company are receiving “No Bids” as well from smaller suppliers.

Unfortunately price inflation will be unavoidable with an increase in diesel fuel, port logistics, labor issues and the on-going regulatory for mining and development project constraining the sand and quarry markets. Sand has been becoming more and more important over the last 3 years as supplies have been tightening world wide as we have been tracking.

The Infrastructure Bill has certainty increased the future demand for sand and aggregates but most most DOT’s and Local agencies use a different grade in most cases. The timing of events and past events could lead to different over spec’d material being used as alternates increasing inventory issues for concrete and asphalt producers this spring.




BYLT & The Portfolio Of Partners Is Happy To Say It Has Been Acquired For Expansion. We Will Be On Break While The Move And Upgrade To New Infrastructure & Portfolio Products And Companies That Have Been Completed Over The Years Begin To Roll Out While Regulatory Approvals Finalize .

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